Thursday, March 8, 2012

Gaah. Finally the first semester tests are gone with the wind! yaaaaay! *liar liar you liar there's still a last subject tomorrow* who the hell cares about civic test (which other country has such a test anyways) lalalaaa xDD

With the tests over and a week's holiday coming around, I can finally do some drawing and watch videos of Bigbang & 2ne1 in peace, how good is that! Maybe with the extra free time I can even do some bit of revision *lol you have no clue about what priority means, do you* Kyaaaa -after all that cramming for tests(you do mean books, instead of videos?) I really want the rest ~~~

I'm so super hyped today, watching an episode of Strong Heart with BB on it left me laughing hysterically for the rest of the day xDD Never expected that Daesung be such a master gagman xDD I haven't really felt like laughing for around a week now because of the tests but the latest episode of Running Man yesterday has put an end to all the miseries <3 No wonder my cousin is a loyal fan of it!!

Daesung is now officially my main bias xD (Sorry hyukkie~)


My school has reached it's fiftieth year in existence! Congratulations! But the reason I care so much is because they held a competition for designing the golden jubilee logo... where the 1st place winner gets 300 RINGGIES IN SOLID CASH!! There's even a hundred bucks for the third place!! ---right when I am getting money-crazy, which is good! As a *cough* skilled *cough* artist in school OF COURSE I'm entering!! 

The ending date was actually today but my lovely art teacher extended it xD Thankyouverymuchhhh  <3 she even showed me what the other contestants turned in!! They did a good job too but their work doesn't really look like logos to me : / more like posters xD

Worked my ass off for it today *nope, ass still intact.* . High wishes but no hopes lol
But it's good, right? 
Phoenix and a dragon for year of dragon muahaha~ there'll be additional printed font underneath it but it doesn't matter for now ^^


I need to do hardcore revision during the holidays now. Sitting through three hard subjects in one day really make you wish you can just jump off from a building right after that. It makes things easier that my exam seat is right at the front door of the classroom facing the balcony-corridor, three storeys from the cold fresh ground after a cool rainy day. Just the thought of that ignites the desire to try free-falling xD


I noticed that I have been avoiding people very much automatically these weeks. The friends I used to talk to don't seem to notice me for the while either. Not that I'm trying to be cold, because i yearn for any interaction with my classmates. Its so easy, yet there isn't any idea how to start talking to them... Being quiet (or ignorant) for a whole year despite being classmates, meeting everyday... its so awkward. My communication skills has been reduced to a tiny pile of basic vocabulary. Socially handicapped. I can change but I haven't. This is blatant self-torture. 


What are the basics of entertaining others, anyway?

Shall you help me find out?

*chases sad pigeons away*

There. Happy.

Now continue with Bigbang's epicness <3

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